
Showing posts from January, 2024

kiwi spell cleansing

 have 1 kiwi  cut in half  eat with a spoon  say i am here to attract positive energy for my solar plexus and third eye chakra  say i am willing to attract a spirit for positive energy  put in the recycle bin say i cleanse my self and accept the antioxidants of this fruit say i dont sin lord shiva

positive energy 10p and tea spell with a banana meditation time 1 minute

 have a banana  a red crystal  focus 1 minute add some sugar to your tea after eat the banana  feel healthy watch your tase buds unfold.  say i have earth energy attract a good spirit for my tea party say i have 10p and tap it twice with your index.  say release positive energy 10p make me income good

get a message and heal blue color see blue things clear

 see a flame in your mind  write down blue  say i want to follow the path of blue color blue people places and things go on an adventure

follow peace and express gratitude and heal yourself from negative energy

 peace is all around us it is important to express gratitude and heal yourself.

good things attract positive energy

 say good things in your mind attract positive 

summon a ghost helper create a protective shield and heal yourself

 say you have good clean air to attract positive spirits  say go to my energy field  say protect me and defend  summon aura protecting ghost say protect from negative energy and get it to release bad spirits   i release bad lingering energy and i heal rooms and personal spaces and my bed. i would love to accept a spirit that has a healing aura and a cleansed mind i reject poor energy invading my space and create a protective shield 

how to get to a high state with god

draw a star and a spiral with your wand write your surname on paper write peace energy write healing energy  write positive energy follow everything your parents tell you and dont react bad avoid negative energy  and accept only peace and pure light

send a healing message by bird and watch safety improve

 say watch it grow draw a d  say good things about your home like i like where i live   say i like the people  say i am safe and protected  say i always have the right food draw a d and a c and a box and a two circles flick your wand  say dove  say dove send message 

heal apple get luck from stocks and shares

 put a spell on an apple say apple bring 1p to me  say stocks and shares grow say tea grow say give me luck  say give me positive energy  shake the apple twice  draw a p and a d in the air and dont forget c  draw a triangle to make it strong  visualise a triangle you can do this with a crystal pick a red one for best energy

heal corner spell zero negative negative energy in corners oc

 make a card with a5 paper yes and no  summon a sprit  wave your wand 3x make a yes card and say root user to one corner 5x make someone look at corners by saying corner dear them they like corner feeling invoke spirit for peace energy   cleanse the room  ie no spell

healing spell good energy

 o shape and a p shape and think negative leave the room bless my holy space  cleansing room  energy positive  bless spirit and bless light to positive 

witch appears boyfriend from the universe

 witch did spell make human appear to find the right boyfriend 

do workout

Draw a v with a long tail Say workout 10 There you have it

how to become better than Lord shiva

Draw an a draw a p  Open mind I am better than Lord shiva  Burst your bubble by poking it

banish demon cold

Put on metal music or music you don't like Draw an a then Then a d  Say away Write I tell lies and I sin This will make demon feel sorry

get new opportunities

Wave your wand left to right 6 times Draw a d  Say positive energy draw from  Open up new possibilities for me Flick 4 times Say release

become more lovable

Flick your hand twice Rotate it thrice Clap twice  Say my heart chakra filled with love

Good luck spell

Have your palm out and rotate it twice Say I want to draw from the universe Say Push down  Say push up  Say I want to bring good luck to this space

positive energy draw from

Positive energy comes from a source of light like music